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My Need to Read

I love to explore genre fiction, and while I usually go for books with a romantic thread running through it, I just love great character and world building. And since I can hardly stand to let go of my favorite characters, I like series.

High Five - Janet Evanovich Initial Reaction (upon finishing): No time to review. Must start next book, now!Wee! This installment was way fun. Evanovich clearly loves her some kooky, offbeat and unpredictable characters, because there's no shortage of those here. Randy Briggs, the computer-savvy little person, was lots of fun...as was the mysterious Bunchy. I was really pleased to see more Ranger infused into this installment. Stephanie's scenes with this dude are getting to be quite enjoyable. ^_^I'm also glad that I read a review mentioning the cliffhanger that closes this book. Though it caught me good (and I made sure to have book 6 on hand when I finished this), I felt that it was more of a gimmicky ending than anything else--more on that in my review for Hot Six.Overall, I really liked this installment. I think I even liked it more than the last. How about that! ^_^